Here is a board a guy named Tom sent me via he describes it below:
"Here is my 8' 6" X 4" X 24" Hi Performance Pig aka The Line Up Killer. It has a single concave in the front into a double concave and the tail is a rounded vee which you can see in one of the pics. I let someone try it out who weighed 240 lbs he liked so much he bought it on the spot. The rails are 50/50 at the nose blended into a 60/40 in the middle and a hard down rail the last 1/4 of the board.. Since I'm 6'4" and 225 lbs I wanted a board that could hang catching waves with the long boarders and still have that shortboard feel once in the wave. This exceeded all my expectations, I'm in the process of making more of these for my big guy surfer buddies. Thanks Mike!
Tom Mahady
Mahady Surfboards"

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