My (Tim's) first board was a balsa pig that Greg Noll had made (still in his parent's garage, he was a neighbor) for a young woman. She used the board twice because on the second session, she was hit in the head and quit. Greg said he would try and sell the board for her but that might be a problem because it was only 8'6", very short for those days. Greg had made it custom for a female. It was perfect for me at nine years old. There's a freakishly similar board up at the Surfing Heritage. Same dimensions, looks exactly like mine but with a different fin. Here's a shot of the tail and sticker:

So, 51 years later I'm going to be sliding one again. Have you seen this Andreini profile?

Cheers, Tim
p.s. Tim is the proud new owner of "The Golden Log". I bet we'll see some pictures of this soon.