eden sent this to me via surfapig@live.com: Hey mike, hows things? To provide a little context first, i live on the Gold Coast and Matteo is one of my close friends. I know you guys are close and i have been a fan of what you're doing. I've been shaping under my own label Dead Kooks for a while and my latest board is something i wanted to share with you and your fans. Named Babi Guling - that's balinese for sucking pig- its 9'9 x 23 x 3. I hand shape all my boards and take pride in what we're creating. My buddy was kind enough to put a clip together of this board coming together which you can check vi http://vimeo.com/29543332 My website is simply http://deadkooks.com/ Have a look. I hope you enjoy, and would be stoked to hear from you soon. Eden -TDKS

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