my good buddy miles sent me these super epic texas day photos. he says "DIG THE PIG" : Rode the original flexipig that I got used from Gene in June for the first time for a full session (5 hours) this morning and it’s a blast and nose rides very well. 9.7 and like 28 lbs and flat as an ironing board but that and the 7-8 second swell made it pretty easy to catch waves. I think the fact that it’s only 9.7 made it easy for me to put it where I wanted in a hurry compared to the monsters I usually ride.

my good buddy andrew is having an art show in Oceanside Friday (514 coast highway) . Be there!!!!!!!

john cherry sent this to me via "Hi Mike, I just posted a couple pigs I built for Japan. 3” chambered balsa stringers. The template is the same one I put together for Bobby Donnelly’s pig that we shaped just before I got your VJ to restore. If you recall, when I laid my template over your VJ, it lined up identically with the exception that my template was about 1/16” wider through the middle third, giving an ever so slight curve in the mid rail more so than the VJ. I love the template. BTW……I love your new Bing!!!!! Aloha Bro, JC"

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