Been surfing a ‘performance noserider’ for the last two/three years and found it a pretty good all round board design but started to hear quite a few good things about pig shapes. The design wasn’t on the top of my list to be honest as I was thinking more traditional noserider type log. They say you should listen to the advice of a good shaper so that I did and was recommended this design. I’m not a good surfer, far from it but took the board out today for the first time in waist to chest high peelers and had a ball! Gets into the waves early, turns great and moves around on the wave really well for the longest board I’ve got .... better than my other slightly smaller ‘modern’ longboard. It also glides like nothing else.....soooo smoothJ I often bog a rail on my other longboard – trying to turn the board too quick for my skill level I reckon – but the continuous pulling in to the smaller nose on this piggy shape seems to work well for me and lets me get away with my mistakes. The shaper says this is his ‘Waveslider’ model which has been continually updated and tweaked here and there as a result of surfing feedback from customers, test riders and of course himself. The pics don’t do the board looks fantastic and the finishing is immaculate. This one is a keeper for sure and will be enjoying the East coast of Scotland for many years. Steve"

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