i don't know if it's 'cause my roots are out of texas, or what...but these off shore chocolate milk gulf days speak to me. thank you Robby for reaching out! robby sent the pictures below to me via surfapig@live.com: Hey Mike, Thought I would share: Here are some shots from yesterday in Port Aransas, Texas taken by marinedream.wordpress.com. I was riding my 9’4” flexpig I got from Gene. I’m having a complete blast riding a pig board! Couldn’t be happier. Thanks for all the information on your site. My best, Robby

Eden of DEAD KOOKS sent me this batch of stoke below via surfapig@live.com:Hey mike, hows things. Hope you're enjoying your winter up there. I've been flat out with plenty of new sleds, i've just finished a new one that may just tickle your fancy. anyway have a look and hope you like. EDEN.

Robbie's the Man and Port A is the spot!!!!