so my buddy paddles up to me today and says: "dude you BLEW it...yesterday morning...and then again today at the crack...where were you?!" i replied : "feeding dogs and making chocolate milk for my wife". he then said "dude you should call you blog' the narcissistic pig' " ... he has a point. i figured with friends like this...who needs more friends? ...i love my friends. i NEED my friends. good friends are the best ego checks. you can't buy that shit.

i was speaking to one of my buddies out in the water today. i was talking to him about life's priorities. i was speaking about how my life is going through a priority shift right now. how good it feels. it occurred to me then, that life is like a garden and life's passions are like the garden's various plants... one plant might catch your attention longer or more intensely than others...however..there are other beautiful fruit bearing plants in the garden...what about them?

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