man alone of living creatures has been given grief, on him alone has the luxury been bestowed in countless forms and through every single limb -

and likewise ambition, greed and a boundless desire for living, superstition, anxiety about burial and even about what there will be after his life ends.
no creature's life is more fragile; none has a greater lust for everything; none, a more confused sense of fear or a fiercer anger. to sum it up, other creatures spend their days among their own kind. we see them gather together and take their stand against other species;
fierce lions do not fight among themselves, serpents do not bite serpents - not even sea-monsters and fish act cruelly, except against different species.
but man, i swear, experiences most ills at the hands of his fellow man.
pliny the elder wrote about sea monsters, cyclops, crazy shit. i have to put quotes of his up from time to time. its not my intent to get all introspective and philosophical. rather some of these quotes have something to them i feel aught to be shared.

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