If you say that word enough it starts to sound more like a sound instead of a word. That happens to any word I'd guess. I am back on my bing and I am loving it. I have had some nice days on it. I originally got this board and rode it for a week or two. Then I picked up my Jim Phillips wing nosed pig. That board blew my mind and I left this BING under the house for a month or so. Now back on my BING I am feeling like one of the luckier guys on the planet. Its funny how a board's name can influence your belief about how it works. I have always wanted a BING pig. I have the book signed by Bing and by Matt. I'm a stoked Grom (in my mind) like that. I am not all goo goo about most Bing's. The Bing's before David N. came into the picture are the ones that do it for me. My buddy Ross out of Ventura has a Bing pig I have been hounding him to take pictures of. Hopefully one day. I had a rad session out at slider's this morning on my Bing. I hope you score some waves too.

No fewer than 67 ref's to BING were in the BING entry titled BING. BING will be stoked havBING mentioned so many times. BING that as it may, would you say in tuBING conditions your BING would excel over the wBING nosed pig? Just sayBING, BINGs seemBINGly work in a wide variety of ... I'm done.